Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Sasquatch Sunset Movie

Sasquatch Sunset

Sasquatch Sunset is a thrilling Fantasy, Comedy film directed by David Zellner, Nathan Zellner. This captivating story, produced by Square Peg, Felix Culpa, The Space Program, ZBI, released on 2024-04-12 with a runtime of 1 hours and 28 minutes.

Sasquatch Sunset Movie Details

Movie Name Sasquatch Sunset
Release Date 2024-04-12
Language No Language
Country United States of America
Genres Fantasy, Comedy
Director David Zellner, Nathan Zellner
Writer David Zellner
Producer Jesse Eisenberg, Tyler Campellone, George Rush, Nathan Zellner, David Harari, Lars Knudsen, David Zellner
Editor Nathan Zellner, Daniel Tarr, David Zellner
Cinematographer Mike Gioulakis
Production Company Square Peg, Felix Culpa, The Space Program, ZBI
Rating 5.84 out of 10 (145 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Riley Keough as The Female, Jesse Eisenberg as Young Male, Nathan Zellner as The Alpha, Christophe Zajac-Denek as The Child.


In the misty forests of North America, a family of Sasquatches—possibly the last of their enigmatic kind—embark on an absurdist, epic, hilarious, and ultimately poignant journey over the course of one year. These shaggy and noble giants fight for survival as they find themselves on a collision course with the ever-changing world around them.

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Sasquatch Sunset


Who directed the Sasquatch Sunset movie?

David Zellner, Nathan Zellner directed the Sasquatch Sunset movie.

What categories does the Sasquatch Sunset movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Fantasy, Comedy.

When was Sasquatch Sunset released?

The movie was released on 2024-04-12.

How long is the Sasquatch Sunset movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 28 minutes.

Who wrote the Sasquatch Sunset movie?

The screenplay was written by David Zellner.