Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Sauvages Movie


Sauvages is a thrilling Drama, Adventure, Animation, Family film directed by Claude Barras. This captivating story, produced by Haut et Court, Nadasdy Film, Panique!, released on 2024-10-16 with a runtime of 1 hours and 27 minutes.

Sauvages Movie Details

Movie Name Sauvages
Release Date 2024-10-16
Language French
Country Belgium, France, Switzerland
Genres Drama, Adventure, Animation, Family
Director Claude Barras
Writer Claude Barras
Production Company Haut et Court, Nadasdy Film, Panique!
Rating 6.8 out of 10 (153 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Babette De Coster as Kéria (voice), Martin Verset as Selaï (voice), Laetitia Dosch as Jeanne (voice), Benoît Poelvoorde as Father (voice), Pierre-Isaie Duc as Grandfather (voice), Michel Vuillermoz as Foreman (voice), Paysan Sailyvia as Selaï's Mother (voice).


In Borneo, near the tropical forest, Kéria rescues a baby orangutang in the palm oil plantation where her father works. Kéria's cousin Selaï comes to live with them seeking refuge from the conflict between his indigenous tribe and the logging companies. Kéria, Selaï and the little orangutang, now named Oshi, will have to fight against their forest’s destruction.




Who directed the Sauvages movie?

Claude Barras directed the Sauvages movie.

What categories does the Sauvages movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Adventure, Animation, Family.

When was Sauvages released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-16.

How long is the Sauvages movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 27 minutes.

Who wrote the Sauvages movie?

The screenplay was written by Claude Barras.