Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Shark Exorcist 2: Unholy Waters Movie

Shark Exorcist 2: Unholy Waters

Shark Exorcist 2: Unholy Waters is a thrilling Horror, Fantasy, Action film directed by Donald Farmer. This captivating story, produced by Wild Eye Entertainment, Wild Eye Releasing, Stratosphere Productions, released on 2024-04-09 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Shark Exorcist 2: Unholy Waters Movie Details

Movie Name Shark Exorcist 2: Unholy Waters
Release Date 2024-04-09
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Horror, Fantasy, Action
Director Donald Farmer
Writer Donald Farmer, Newt Wallen, Jessa Flux
Producer Newt Wallen, Jayme Schmitt, Robert Bess, David Cartledge, Donald Farmer, Austin Bitikofer
Editor Tim Ritter
Production Company Wild Eye Entertainment, Wild Eye Releasing, Stratosphere Productions
Rating 4 out of 10 (152 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Jessa Flux as Kacey, Roni Jonah as Nancy Chase, Angel Nichole Bradford as Autumn, Fallon Maressa as Fallon, Bobbie Canipe Jr. as Bobby, Kimberly L. Cole as Sister Ann, Steven Guynn as Mitch, Ford Windstar as Claude, Tina Vasile as Claude, Adam Freeman as Frank, Tess Miller as Jessica, Christy Moritz as Sister Blair, Joe Casterline as Father Daniel, Tristen Elliott as Mother, Alice Elliott as Daughter.


Shark Exorcist's flesh-eating demon shark is back. This time, no one is safe, specially the priest who swears to stop Hell's ultimate evil.

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Shark Exorcist 2: Unholy Waters


Who directed the Shark Exorcist 2: Unholy Waters movie?

Donald Farmer directed the Shark Exorcist 2: Unholy Waters movie.

What categories does the Shark Exorcist 2: Unholy Waters movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Horror, Fantasy, Action.

When was Shark Exorcist 2: Unholy Waters released?

The movie was released on 2024-04-09.

How long is the Shark Exorcist 2: Unholy Waters movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Shark Exorcist 2: Unholy Waters movie?

The screenplay was written by Donald Farmer, Newt Wallen, Jessa Flux.