Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Smoke Out Movie

Smoke Out

Smoke Out is a thrilling Drama, Comedy film directed by Reggie Hall. This captivating story, produced by Phone Up Studio Productions, released on 2024-01-30 with a runtime of 2 hours and 6 minutes.

Smoke Out Movie Details

Movie Name Smoke Out
Release Date 2024-01-30
Genres Drama, Comedy
Director Reggie Hall
Writer Ian Andrewartha, Brian Bell, Martin Crowther, Tom Felton, Greg Reely
Producer Ross Venokur
Editor Amanda Leya Andrews, Nick Fletcher, Richard C. Meyer, Dean Zimmerman
Production Company Phone Up Studio Productions
Rating 7.3 out of 10 (181 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Donald Jenkins as Dizzle, Kenan Cummings as KP, Devarus Woods as Dee, Yaleska Rivera as Ya Yiita, Carterri Weaver as Alf, Jasmine Gore as 44, Felecia Upchurch as Tweety, Mykel Griffin as 16, Jerry Wise II as Bigg Citi, Rodricus Kelley Jr as Rod Legacy, Najla Salaam as Naj, Antonio Pipkins as Slim, Kenneth Reynolds Jr as Playa K, Kawanda Taylor as KT, Kalah Edwards as Precious, Mark Williams as Tommy, Kawaii Jennae as Lila, Ryan A. Lucas as Duck Hunter, Jarrod Johnson as GYSRF, Christopher Davis as Detective Simpson, Anthony Shelton Sr. as Smoke, Jermal Smith as Sour Pac Mal, Ahmod M. Kelley as Xeno, Steven Chatman as Steve, Dj Polo Bigg as Unc, Bertie Carvel as Friend.


In this cinematic adventure, a close-knit group of friends sets out on a mission to experience the euphoria of marijuana. Their journey is riddled with challenges, from enduring painfully long waits for deliveries to dealing with suppliers whose reliability is questionable at best. Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, the film vividly depicts the friends' quest to secure and enjoy cannabis. It captures the authentic and releasable experiences, as well as the shared frustrations that often accompany the process of acquiring and indulging in weed. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the critical importance of a trustworthy connection and the reliability of their supplier, weaving an engaging and entertaining portrayal of the trials and triumphs encountered along the way.


Smoke Out


Who directed the Smoke Out movie?

Reggie Hall directed the Smoke Out movie.

What categories does the Smoke Out movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Comedy.

When was Smoke Out released?

The movie was released on 2024-01-30.

How long is the Smoke Out movie?

The runtime is 2 hours and 6 minutes.

Who wrote the Smoke Out movie?

The screenplay was written by Ian Andrewartha, Brian Bell, Martin Crowther, Tom Felton, Greg Reely.