Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Snack Shack Movie

Snack Shack

Snack Shack is a thrilling Comedy film directed by Adam Rehmeier. This captivating story, produced by T-Street, Paperclip, MRC, released on 2024-03-15 with a runtime of 1 hours and 52 minutes.

Snack Shack Movie Details

Movie Name Snack Shack
Release Date 2024-03-15
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Comedy
Director Adam Rehmeier
Writer Adam Rehmeier
Producer Jordan Foley, Ben LeClair, Nick Smith, Ben Cornwell
Editor Justin Krohn
Cinematographer Jean-Philippe Bernier
Production Company T-Street, Paperclip, MRC
Rating 7.2 out of 10 (103 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Conor Sherry as A.J., Gabriel LaBelle as Moose, Mika Abdalla as Brooke, Nick Robinson as Shane, David Costabile as Judge, Gillian Vigman as Jean, June Gentry as Chrissy, April Clark as Leah, Michael Bonini as Randy Carmichael, Christian James as Rodney Carmichael, Steve Berg as Lester, Kate Robertson Pryor as Sherry, J.D. Evermore as Bill Workman, Dominick Marrone as Neil Bruning, Tracy Long as Nancy, Christian J. Velez as Chris Bravo, Dawson Mullen as Jeff Bravo, Jason Boots as Dean, Sidi Henderson as Willie Morris, Gregg Gilmore as Gambleholic, Brandon Siedlik as Kid on Bus, Ariel Celeste as Stephanie, Piper Cornwell as F*ck Dog Kid, Scooter Edminsten as Scooter, Daniel Foley as Nut Roll Kid, Omri Horowitz as Letterman Jock, Frank Insolera Jr. as Fat Cop, Frankie Jordan as Dopey Kid, Lou Leone as Mr. Westcott, David Michael Long as Mayor, Daniel McCoy as Gardener, Colin McMahon as Coors Kid, Shannon Mosley as Male Chaperone, Shannon Muhs as Treasurer, Erik Mutthersbough as Cop, Trevor B. Nagle as Brooke's Dad, Charlotte Powell as Dopey Kid, Mira Rahe as Cute Teen Girl, Melissa Rakiro as Party Girl, Mary Redelfs as Elderly Woman, Bronson Rehmeier as Hot Dog Kid, Hawkeye Rehmeier as Butterfinger, Maverick Rehmeier as Hot Dog Kid, Jules Reid as Angry Soccer Mom, Lucille Sharp as Bank Teller, Dorothy Symonsbergen as Mrs. Havercamp, Janell Wolford as Pat, Natalie McGovern as Attractive Townie (uncredited), Amber Paul as DMV Clerk (uncredited).


Inseparable best friends AJ and Moose decide to run the local pool's snack shack after their plan to sell home-brewed beer goes down the drain. Things take a turn when they meet Brooke, an effortlessly cool lifeguard who puts their big plans, and friendship, at risk.

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Snack Shack


Who directed the Snack Shack movie?

Adam Rehmeier directed the Snack Shack movie.

What categories does the Snack Shack movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Comedy.

When was Snack Shack released?

The movie was released on 2024-03-15.

How long is the Snack Shack movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 52 minutes.

Who wrote the Snack Shack movie?

The screenplay was written by Adam Rehmeier.