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Snøsøsteren Movie


Snøsøsteren is a thrilling Drama, Family film directed by Cecilie A. Mosli. This captivating story, produced by Anonymous Content Nordic, released on 2024-11-28 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Snøsøsteren Movie Details

Movie Name Snøsøsteren
Release Date 2024-11-28
Language Norwegian
Country Norway
Genres Drama, Family
Director Cecilie A. Mosli
Writer Siv Rajendram Eliassen, Maja Lunde
Producer Brede Hovland
Cinematographer John-Erling Holmenes Fredriksen
Production Company Anonymous Content Nordic
Rating 5.5 out of 10 (160 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Mudit Gupta as Julian, Celina Meyer Hovland as Hedvig, Advika as Augusta, Gunnar Eiriksson as Father, Sampda Sharma as Mother, Jan Sælid as Henrik, Ole Steinkjer Øyen as Unknown Character.


Christmas Eve is approaching. It is also the day Julian will turn eleven years old. Usually it is the best day of the year, filled with the fantastic aroma of gingersnaps and tangerines, the sound of a crackling fire, the decorated Christmas tree and the flickering candlelight. But this year nothing is as usual. Julian and his family mourn the death of his big sister, and Julian feels that Christmas has just been cancelled. Then one day Julian meets the happy and Christmas-loving Hedwig and he begins to believe that perhaps there will be Christmas after all. But there’s something strange about Hedwig’s house, and who is the old man who is lurking around the house all the time?




Who directed the Snøsøsteren movie?

Cecilie A. Mosli directed the Snøsøsteren movie.

What categories does the Snøsøsteren movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Family.

When was Snøsøsteren released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-28.

How long is the Snøsøsteren movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Snøsøsteren movie?

The screenplay was written by Siv Rajendram Eliassen, Maja Lunde.