Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Spaceman Movie


Spaceman is a thrilling Drama, Adventure, Science Fiction film directed by Johan Renck. This captivating story, produced by Free Association, Tango Entertainment, Sinestra, released on 2024-02-23 with a runtime of 1 hours and 48 minutes.

Spaceman Movie Details

Movie Name Spaceman
Release Date 2024-02-23
Language English, Korean, Czech
Country United States of America
Genres Drama, Adventure, Science Fiction
Director Johan Renck
Producer Max Silva, Channing Tatum, Reid Carolin, Peter Kiernan, Michael Parets, Tim Headington, Lia Buman
Editor Scott Cummings, Simon Smith, John Axelrad
Cinematographer Jakob Ihre
Production Company Free Association, Tango Entertainment, Sinestra
Rating 6.761 out of 10 (774 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Adam Sandler as Jakub Procházka, Paul Dano as Hanuš (voice), Carey Mulligan as Lenka Procházková, Kunal Nayyar as Peter, Isabella Rossellini as Commissioner Tůmová, Lena Olin as Zdena, Petr Papánek as Young Jakub, Marian Roden as Ladislav Procházka, Zuzana Stivínová as Concierge, Sinéad Phelps as Pregnant Woman, Sunny Sandler as Anna, John Flanders as Gregor, Bash Doran as Aide, Petr Bláha as Man in Suit, Mikuláš Čížek as Naked Man, Jessica Bechyňová as Bellhop, Soňa Tichá as Spa Staff, Kimberly Han as Korean Astronaut, Young Lee as Korean Astronaut, Elke Luyten as Hanus (Stand In Performer).


Six months into a solo mission, a lonely astronaut confronts the cracks in his marriage with help from a mysterious creature he discovers on his ship.

Watch the Trailer




Who directed the Spaceman movie?

Johan Renck directed the Spaceman movie.

What categories does the Spaceman movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Adventure, Science Fiction.

When was Spaceman released?

The movie was released on 2024-02-23.

How long is the Spaceman movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 48 minutes.

Who wrote the Spaceman movie?

The screenplay was written by .