Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Spirit Riser Movie

Spirit Riser

Spirit Riser is a thrilling Horror, Fantasy, Comedy film directed by Dylan Mars Greenberg. This captivating story, produced by Disck Pictures, released on 2024-03-30 with a runtime of 1 hours and 38 minutes.

Spirit Riser Movie Details

Movie Name Spirit Riser
Release Date 2024-03-30
Language English
Genres Horror, Fantasy, Comedy
Director Dylan Mars Greenberg
Writer Dylan Mars Greenberg
Producer Tomás Doncker, Marla Mase, Kansas Bowling
Production Company Disck Pictures
Rating 7.5 out of 10 (192 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Amanda Flowers as Ingrid, Kansas Bowling as Parker, Patti Harrison as Patti the Babysitter, Michael Madsen as Narrator (voice), Kate Bornstein as God, Lynn Lowry as Elizabeth, Parker Love Bowling as Kansas, Whitney Moore as The Man From The Dark and Lonely Place, Alan Merrill as Alan Mortal, Cherie Currie as Miss Skylace, Summer Greenberg as Sydney Ryder, Jesse Yungbei as Dord the Ninja, Jurgen Azazel Munster as Azazel, Matthew Silver as Gabriel, Wesley Doloris as The Evil Friend, Apryl Miller as The Zeitgeist, Weston Allen as Horrible Eric, Sophia Lamar as Chief of Police, Death Valley Girls as Self, Bunny H as Self, Abigail Gordon as Self, Mike Handelman as Uncle, Abraham Lincoln The 3rd as Uncle, Hunter West as Uncle, Isaiah Mueller as Uncle, Steve Litwitz as Uncle, Kal Madsen as Unknown Character, Clara Senida Leyba as The Hands Personified, Ayan Trecartin as The Hands of Fate, The Radioactive Chicken Heads as Self, Rodney Bingenheimer as The Dark Friend, Buttress as The Mad Mother, Jak Tripper as The Mad Father, Matt Ellin as Nathaniel of Sound, Neva Gentleman as Fate Incognito, Cindy Colon as The Double Agent, Dolby Williams as Unknown Character, Jeff Blanchard as Unknown Character, Paul Petroskey as Unknown Character, Sofe Cote as Margaret, Gina Carson as Gina, Shara Maya Ali as Fate Blue.


Two sisters are thrown out of their isolation and onto opposite coasts of America by a terrifying cosmic entity. On their quest to reunite they discover their own supernatural abilities and meet many strange characters.

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Spirit Riser


Who directed the Spirit Riser movie?

Dylan Mars Greenberg directed the Spirit Riser movie.

What categories does the Spirit Riser movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Horror, Fantasy, Comedy.

When was Spirit Riser released?

The movie was released on 2024-03-30.

How long is the Spirit Riser movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 38 minutes.

Who wrote the Spirit Riser movie?

The screenplay was written by Dylan Mars Greenberg.