Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Stella. Ein Leben. Movie

Stella. Ein Leben.

Stella. Ein Leben. is a thrilling Drama, History, War film directed by Kilian Riedhof. This captivating story, produced by SevenPictures Film, Letterbox Filmproduktion, Amalia Film, Real Film Berlin, Dor Film, Lago Film, Gretchenfilm, DCM Pictures, Contrast Film, Blue Entertainment, released on 2024-01-17 with a runtime of 2 hours and 1 minutes.

Stella. Ein Leben. Movie Details

Movie Name Stella. Ein Leben.
Release Date 2024-01-17
Language German
Country Austria, Germany, Switzerland
Genres Drama, History, War
Director Kilian Riedhof
Writer Kilian Riedhof, Marc Blöbaum, Jan Braren
Producer Marco Mehlitz, Stefan Eichenberger, Ira Wysocki, Stefan Gärtner, Günther Russ, Henning Kamm, Katrin Goetter, Michael Lehmann, Ivan Madeo
Editor Andrea Mertens
Cinematographer Benedict Neuenfels
Production Company SevenPictures Film, Letterbox Filmproduktion, Amalia Film, Real Film Berlin, Dor Film, Lago Film, Gretchenfilm, DCM Pictures, Contrast Film, Blue Entertainment
Rating 6.2 out of 10 (200 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Paula Beer as Stella Goldschlag, Jannis Niewöhner as Rolf Isaaksohn, Katja Riemann as Toni Goldschlag, Lukas Miko as Gerd Goldschlag, Joel Basman as Peter, Damian Hardung as Manfred Kübler, Bekim Latifi as Aaron Salomon, Gerdy Zint as Dobberke, Julia Anna Grob as Hansi Meyer, Rony Herman as Heinz Gottschalk, Max Krause as Günther Abrahamson, Peter Miklusz as Heinrich, Ulrich Schmissat as Dr. Schreyer, Joshua Seelenbinder as Cioma Schönhaus, Daniel Holzberg as jüdischer Familienvater, Robin Sondermann as Kurz, Jeanette Spassova as Frau Rotholz, Niklas Mitteregger as Schwöbel, Konstantin Gries as Theo, Katja Bürkle as Bertha Weiss, Valentin Mirow as Moritz Zajdmann, Michaela Allendorf as Sitznachbarin, Ruth Marie Kröger as Ehefrau, Benjamin Morik as Ehemann, Roland Silbernagl as Jüdischer Ordner, Artur Sorokin as Jüdischer Gefangener, Nikolai Will as Klops.


Stella, grows up in Berlin during the rule of the Nazi regime. She dreams of a career as a jazz singer, despite all the repressive measures she is forced to go into hiding with her parents in 1944, her life turns into a culpable tragedy.

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Stella. Ein Leben.


Who directed the Stella. Ein Leben. movie?

Kilian Riedhof directed the Stella. Ein Leben. movie.

What categories does the Stella. Ein Leben. movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, History, War.

When was Stella. Ein Leben. released?

The movie was released on 2024-01-17.

How long is the Stella. Ein Leben. movie?

The runtime is 2 hours and 1 minutes.

Who wrote the Stella. Ein Leben. movie?

The screenplay was written by Kilian Riedhof, Marc Blöbaum, Jan Braren.