Tebusan Dosa Movie
Tebusan Dosa is a thrilling Drama, Thriller, Horror, Mystery film directed by Yosep Anggi Noen. This captivating story, produced by Palari Films, Legacy Pictures, Showbox, SinemArt, Phoenix Films, INFIA, Volix Pictures, Karma Club, StickEarn, released on 2024-10-17 with a runtime of 1 hours and 56 minutes.
Tebusan Dosa Movie Details
Movie Name | Tebusan Dosa |
Release Date | 2024-10-17 |
Language | English, Indonesian, Japanese, Javanese |
Country | Indonesia, South Korea |
Genres | Drama, Thriller, Horror, Mystery |
Director | Yosep Anggi Noen |
Writer | Alim Sudio, Yosep Anggi Noen |
Producer | Muhammad Zaidy, Meiske Taurisia |
Editor | Akhmad Fesdi Anggoro |
Cinematographer | Teoh Gay Hian |
Production Company | Palari Films, Legacy Pictures, Showbox, SinemArt, Phoenix Films, INFIA, Volix Pictures, Karma Club, StickEarn |
Rating | 6.8 out of 10 (140 votes) |
Cast and Characters
In this film, we have Happy Salma as Wening, Putri Marino as Tirta, Shogen as Tetsuya, Keiko Ananta as Nirmala, Bhisma Mulia as Ragus, Laksmi Notokusumo as Uti Yah, Bambang Gundul as Mbah Gowa, Haru Sandra as Wicak, Eduwart Manalu as Suleiman, Noel Kefas as Ayah Ragus, M. Dinu Imansyah as Adang Kepala SAR, Eza Yoga as Anggota Tim SAR, Sulis Kusuma as Ibu Juragan Odong-Odong, Arya Sweta as Tukang Foto Copy, Joanna Dyah as Pemilik Laundry, Fabyan Barrayudha Pratama as Anak Renang, Nizar Azza Faezya as Andi, Mao Higami as Hiroko, Reina Numazawa as Miyako, Maychelina Anis as Petugas Panti Sosial, Raden Agung Dantes Faria as Polisi, Anggi Waluyo as Pegawai Toko Fashion.
After a tragic accident that killed her mother and left her daughter Nirmala missing, Wening embarks on a desperate search for Nirmala, enlisting the help of a podcaster, a Japanese researcher, and a shaman, all while haunted by her mother’s ghost and dark secrets from her past.
Watch the Trailer
Who directed the Tebusan Dosa movie?
Yosep Anggi Noen directed the Tebusan Dosa movie.
What categories does the Tebusan Dosa movie belong to?
It belongs to the genres of Drama, Thriller, Horror, Mystery.
When was Tebusan Dosa released?
The movie was released on 2024-10-17.
How long is the Tebusan Dosa movie?
The runtime is 1 hours and 56 minutes.
Who wrote the Tebusan Dosa movie?
The screenplay was written by Alim Sudio, Yosep Anggi Noen.
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