Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

The Camp Host Movie

The Camp Host

The Camp Host is a thrilling Thriller, Horror film directed by Henry Darrow McComas. This captivating story, produced by Neshama Entertainment, MarVista Entertainment, released on 2024-03-16 with a runtime of 1 hours and 35 minutes.

The Camp Host Movie Details

Movie Name The Camp Host
Release Date 2024-03-16
Country Canada, United States of America
Genres Thriller, Horror
Director Henry Darrow McComas
Writer Henry Darrow McComas
Producer Ryan West, Tyler Metcalf
Cinematographer Scott McClellan
Production Company Neshama Entertainment, MarVista Entertainment
Rating 6.1 out of 10 (133 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Rachel Colwell as Sadie, Dillon Casey as Ed, Brooke Johnson as Camp Host, John Tench as Frank, Erik Knudsen as Blake, Vinson Tran as Terance, Alyzia Ines Fabregui as Tikaani, Sabrina Jade as Girlfriend, Fane Tse as Dad, Nkasi Ogbonnah as Mom.


Sadie, a young Native American VanLifer and her husband Ed find their trip derailed when they spend the night in a campground overseen by a maniacal woman who brutally punishes campers that don't follow her rules.

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The Camp Host


Who directed the The Camp Host movie?

Henry Darrow McComas directed the The Camp Host movie.

What categories does the The Camp Host movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Thriller, Horror.

When was The Camp Host released?

The movie was released on 2024-03-16.

How long is the The Camp Host movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 35 minutes.

Who wrote the The Camp Host movie?

The screenplay was written by Henry Darrow McComas.