Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

The Crow Movie

The Crow

The Crow is a thrilling Horror, Fantasy, Action film directed by Rupert Sanders. This captivating story, produced by Davis Films, Pressman Film, Hassell Free Production, The Electric Shadow Company, 30WEST, Ashland Hill Media Finance, FilmNation Entertainment, Maze Pictures, Occupant Entertainment, released on 2024-08-21 with a runtime of 1 hours and 51 minutes.

The Crow Movie Details

Movie Name The Crow
Release Date 2024-08-21
Language English
Country France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America
Genres Horror, Fantasy, Action
Director Rupert Sanders
Producer Edward R. Pressman, Victor Hadida, Molly Hassell, John Jencks, Samuel Hadida
Cinematographer Steve Annis
Production Company Davis Films, Pressman Film, Hassell Free Production, The Electric Shadow Company, 30WEST, Ashland Hill Media Finance, FilmNation Entertainment, Maze Pictures, Occupant Entertainment
Rating 5.9 out of 10 (720 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Bill Skarsgård as Eric, FKA twigs as Shelly, Danny Huston as Vincent Roeg, Josette Simon as Sophia, Laura Birn as Marion, Sami Bouajila as Kronos, Karel Dobrý as Roman, Jordan Bolger as Chance, Sebastian Orozco as Dom, David Bowles as Wickham, Tundy Smith as Lex, Samba Goldin as Jay, Isabella Wei as Zadie, Jordan Haj as Adam, Dukagjin Podrimaj as Detective Milch, Darija Pavlovičová as Gray, Caolan O'Neil-Forde as Punk Inmate, Janek Gregor as Large Inmate, Lukáš Duy Anh Tran as Skinny Inmate, Solo Uniacke as Young Eric, Brian Caspe as Simon Elbe / Therapist, Peter Parker Mensah as Kelly (Guard), Gregory Gudgeon as James, Bethany Adams as Clinical Aid, Jakub Strach as Chance Friend #4, Robert James Rich as Chance Friend #1, Vladimír Nezdaril as Change Friend #2, Beáta Golová as Chance Friend #3, Jim High as Uniformed Cop #1, Seam Turay as Uniformed Cop #2, Lada Bočková as Soloist #1, Daniel Matoušek as Soloist #2, Monika Kvasničková as Eric's Mother, Andrea Miltner as Music Teacher, Paul Maynard as Card Dealer, Leona Skleničková as Emma, Sinéad Phelps as EMT #1, Daniel Szelezsán as EMT #2 Kronos Look Alike, Emmanuel Iloegbunam as Drug Dealer, Paul Dean as Guard, Antonín Hausknecht as Friendly Driver (Stunt Driver), Baha Chbani as Arabic Businessman #2, Ahmad Alhadi as Arabic Businessman #1.


Soulmates Eric and Shelly are brutally murdered when the demons of her dark past catch up with them. Given the chance to save his true love by sacrificing himself, Eric sets out to seek merciless revenge on their killers, traversing the worlds of the living and the dead to put the wrong things right.

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The Crow


Who directed the The Crow movie?

Rupert Sanders directed the The Crow movie.

What categories does the The Crow movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Horror, Fantasy, Action.

When was The Crow released?

The movie was released on 2024-08-21.

How long is the The Crow movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 51 minutes.

Who wrote the The Crow movie?

The screenplay was written by .