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The Good Half Movie

The Good Half

The Good Half is a thrilling Drama, Comedy film directed by Robert Schwartzman. This captivating story, produced by The Ranch Productions, released on 2024-07-23 with a runtime of 1 hours and 36 minutes.

The Good Half Movie Details

Movie Name The Good Half
Release Date 2024-07-23
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Drama, Comedy
Director Robert Schwartzman
Writer Brett Ryland
Producer Robert Schwartzman, Brett Ryland, Russell Wayne Groves
Editor Chris Donlon
Cinematographer Michael Rizzi
Production Company The Ranch Productions
Rating 5.6 out of 10 (171 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Nick Jonas as Renn Wheeland, Brittany Snow as Leigh Wheeland, Alexandra Shipp as Zoey Abbot, David Arquette as Rick Barona, Matt Walsh as Darren Wheeland, Elisabeth Shue as Lily Wheeland, Steve Park as Fr. Dan, Ryan Bergara as Andy, Mason Cufari as Young Renn, Dee Beasnael as Kim, Mimi Gianopulos as Parker, Grey Henson as Sam, Glo Tavarez as Waitress, Rob King as Ticket Agent, Evangeline Johns as Old Woman, Larry Pine as Kevin, Jim C. Ferris as Bill (uncredited).


Renn Wheeland returns home to Cleveland for his mother's funeral. Once there, he forges new relationships while healing old ones, before confronting his problems and trying to face his grief.

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The Good Half


Who directed the The Good Half movie?

Robert Schwartzman directed the The Good Half movie.

What categories does the The Good Half movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Comedy.

When was The Good Half released?

The movie was released on 2024-07-23.

How long is the The Good Half movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 36 minutes.

Who wrote the The Good Half movie?

The screenplay was written by Brett Ryland.