Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

The Invisibles Movie

The Invisibles

The Invisibles is a thrilling Drama, Fantasy film directed by Andrew Currie. This captivating story, produced by levelFILM, Quadrant Motion Pictures, Resolute Films and Entertainment, Metro International Entertainment, released on 2024-03-10 with a runtime of 1 hours and 52 minutes.

The Invisibles Movie Details

Movie Name The Invisibles
Release Date 2024-03-10
Language English
Country Canada
Genres Drama, Fantasy
Director Andrew Currie
Writer Andrew Currie, Colin Aussant
Production Company levelFILM, Quadrant Motion Pictures, Resolute Films and Entertainment, Metro International Entertainment
Rating 6.357 out of 10 (165 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Tim Blake Nelson as Charlie, Gretchen Mol as Hannah, Bruce Greenwood as Carl, Nathan Alexis as Nick, Simon Webster as Oskar, Rachel Wilson as Kara, Tennille Read as Angela, Juno Rinaldi as Franny, Courtenay J. Stevens as Arthur, Laura de Carteret as Amy, Rob Ramsay as Jimmy, Elina Miyake Jackson as Setsu, Vinson Tran as Leonard, Jean-Michel Le Gal as Mark, Shannon McDonough as Jimmy's mom, Philip van Martin as Blaine, Tal Gottfried as Arwin, Golden Madison as Petra, Grace Loewen as Library Patron.


A couple facing the end of marriage, when the husband starts to disappear. As he fades from existence he discovers a new world of people who have disappeared just like him.

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The Invisibles


Who directed the The Invisibles movie?

Andrew Currie directed the The Invisibles movie.

What categories does the The Invisibles movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Fantasy.

When was The Invisibles released?

The movie was released on 2024-03-10.

How long is the The Invisibles movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 52 minutes.

Who wrote the The Invisibles movie?

The screenplay was written by Andrew Currie, Colin Aussant.