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The Lifeguards Movie

The Lifeguards

The Lifeguards is a thrilling Romance, Comedy film directed by Johnny Antonini. This captivating story, produced by 41 FIlms Productions, Paper Flower Productions, released on 2024-05-02 with a runtime of 1 hours and 47 minutes.

The Lifeguards Movie Details

Movie Name The Lifeguards
Release Date 2024-05-02
Genres Romance, Comedy
Director Johnny Antonini
Writer Johnny Antonini
Producer Leigh Yenrick
Cinematographer Owen Hickle-Edwards
Production Company 41 FIlms Productions, Paper Flower Productions
Rating 6.3 out of 10 (191 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Nick Haldes as Mike, Andi Jo Taylor as Emma, Charles Wetzel Jr. as Norb, Maddy Hatton as Tory, Marck Kiselevach as Winston, Ben Logue as Kyle, Jack Anderson as McHenry Swolski, Alyssa Mullins as Maggie, Nykera as Brenda.


A strict rule following high school senior joins a group of country club lifeguards. He quickly discovers they focus their energy on goofing off and throwing parties. Over the summer, Mike learns to have fun for the first time.

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The Lifeguards


Who directed the The Lifeguards movie?

Johnny Antonini directed the The Lifeguards movie.

What categories does the The Lifeguards movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Romance, Comedy.

When was The Lifeguards released?

The movie was released on 2024-05-02.

How long is the The Lifeguards movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 47 minutes.

Who wrote the The Lifeguards movie?

The screenplay was written by Johnny Antonini.