Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

The Prank Movie

The Prank

The Prank is a thrilling Crime, Thriller, Comedy film directed by Maureen Bharoocha. This captivating story, produced by XRM Media, Sneak Preview Productions, released on 2024-03-15 with a runtime of 1 hours and 30 minutes.

The Prank Movie Details

Movie Name The Prank
Release Date 2024-03-15
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Crime, Thriller, Comedy
Director Maureen Bharoocha
Producer Steven J. Wolfe
Production Company XRM Media, Sneak Preview Productions
Rating 5 out of 10 (140 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Rita Moreno as Mrs. Wheeler, Connor Kalopsis as Ben Palmer, Ramona Young as Mei Tanner, Kate Flannery as Loretta, Keith David as Principal Henderson, Meredith Salenger as Julie Palmer, Jonathan Kimmel as Joe, Nathan Janak as Phillip Marlow, Betsy Sodaro as Mrs. Gutierrez, Romel de Silva as Sawyer Friedman, Armani Jackson as Greg, Colby Strong as Rory, Talia Jackson as Quinn Smythe, John Milhiser as Coach Ledbetter, Ahmed Bharoocha as Mr. Corelli, Dionne Lea as Ms. Taylor, Baron Vaughn as Newscaster Bob, Barry Primus as George Wheeler.


After their teacher fails them, two high school students decide to teach the imperious, demanding instructor a lesson by falsely accusing her of the murder of a missing student.

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The Prank


Who directed the The Prank movie?

Maureen Bharoocha directed the The Prank movie.

What categories does the The Prank movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Crime, Thriller, Comedy.

When was The Prank released?

The movie was released on 2024-03-15.

How long is the The Prank movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 30 minutes.

Who wrote the The Prank movie?

The screenplay was written by .