Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

The Radleys Movie

The Radleys

The Radleys is a thrilling Thriller, Horror, Comedy film directed by Euros Lyn. This captivating story, produced by Genesius Pictures, Ingenious Media, Sky, Cornerstone Films, released on 2024-10-04 with a runtime of 1 hours and 55 minutes.

The Radleys Movie Details

Movie Name The Radleys
Release Date 2024-10-04
Language English
Country United Kingdom
Genres Thriller, Horror, Comedy
Director Euros Lyn
Writer Talitha Stevenson, Jo Brand
Producer Debbie Gray
Editor Jamie Pearson
Production Company Genesius Pictures, Ingenious Media, Sky, Cornerstone Films
Rating 5.2 out of 10 (131 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Damian Lewis as Peter Radley / Will Radley, Kelly Macdonald as Helen Radley, Bo Bragason as Clara Radley, Harry Baxendale as Rowan Radley, Sophia Di Martino as Lorna Felt, Steven Waddington as Mark Felt, Madeleine Power as Tilly, Shaun Parkes as Jared Copeleigh, Jay Lycurgo as Evan Copeleigh, Freddie Wise as Stuart Harper, Suan-Li Ong as Croupier, Sarah Durham as Nicola.


A seemingly ordinary family harbors a dark secret: they are vampires. They choose not to drink blood despite their natural cravings, but one day, their truth comes to light.

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The Radleys


Who directed the The Radleys movie?

Euros Lyn directed the The Radleys movie.

What categories does the The Radleys movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Thriller, Horror, Comedy.

When was The Radleys released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-04.

How long is the The Radleys movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 55 minutes.

Who wrote the The Radleys movie?

The screenplay was written by Talitha Stevenson, Jo Brand.