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The Signature Movie

The Signature

The Signature is a thrilling Drama, Family film directed by Gajendra Ahire. This captivating story, produced by Anupam Kher Studio, B.M.B Music & Magnetics Ltd., released on 2024-10-04 with a runtime of 1 hours and 40 minutes.

The Signature Movie Details

Movie Name The Signature
Release Date 2024-10-04
Language Hindi
Country India
Genres Drama, Family
Director Gajendra Ahire
Writer Gajendra Ahire
Producer K. C. Bokadia
Editor Anant Maruti Kamath
Production Company Anupam Kher Studio, B.M.B Music & Magnetics Ltd.
Rating 6.4 out of 10 (154 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Anupam Kher as Arvind, Nina Kulkarni as Madhu, Annu Kapoor as Prabhakar, Mahima Chaudhry as Ambika, Manoj Joshi as Doctor, Sneha Paul as Nalini, Sangita Jain Bokadia as Anjali, Kevin Gandhi as Anand, Varun Seth as Anjali's Husband, Pranit Kher as Newspaper Employee 1, Kavya Raj as Woman at Pharmacy, Anushka Jadhav as Newspaper Employee 2, Ranvir Shorey as Rebel Patient, Naval Shukla as Arvind's Brother.


Arvind’s life comes crashing down when his wife Madhu falls into a coma and is put on life support. Will situations hold him back, or will he be able to save his wife with the hope of a life together?

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The Signature


Who directed the The Signature movie?

Gajendra Ahire directed the The Signature movie.

What categories does the The Signature movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Family.

When was The Signature released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-04.

How long is the The Signature movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 40 minutes.

Who wrote the The Signature movie?

The screenplay was written by Gajendra Ahire.