Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

The Stoic Movie

The Stoic

The Stoic is a thrilling Crime, Thriller, Action film directed by Jonathan Eckersley. This captivating story, produced by High Fliers Films, released on 2024-10-18 with a runtime of 1 hours and 36 minutes.

The Stoic Movie Details

Movie Name The Stoic
Release Date 2024-10-18
Language English
Country United Kingdom
Genres Crime, Thriller, Action
Director Jonathan Eckersley
Writer Jonathan Eckersley
Production Company High Fliers Films
Rating 3.8 out of 10 (122 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Scott Wright as The Stoic, Rocci Williams as Brace, Stuart Brennan as Marco, George McCluskey as Graves, Jason Flemyng as Carlisle, Bruce Payne as Rhodes.


A group of mercenary leaders convene in a country retreat after pulling off a drug raid. Things take a turn for the worse after they raise the attentions of 'The Stoic', a man from an ancient clan of smugglers.

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The Stoic


Who directed the The Stoic movie?

Jonathan Eckersley directed the The Stoic movie.

What categories does the The Stoic movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Crime, Thriller, Action.

When was The Stoic released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-18.

How long is the The Stoic movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 36 minutes.

Who wrote the The Stoic movie?

The screenplay was written by Jonathan Eckersley.