Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

The Thicket Movie

The Thicket

The Thicket is a thrilling Crime, Thriller, Western film directed by Elliott Lester. This captivating story, produced by Tubi, Estuary Films, Nomadic Pictures, Hollywood Gang Productions, MiLu Entertainment, The Exchange, released on 2024-09-05 with a runtime of 1 hours and 48 minutes.

The Thicket Movie Details

Movie Name The Thicket
Release Date 2024-09-05
Language English
Country Canada, United States of America
Genres Crime, Thriller, Western
Director Elliott Lester
Writer Chris Kelly
Producer Peter Dinklage, David Ginsberg, Caddy Vanasirikul, Andre L III, Gianni Nunnari
Editor Jean-Christophe Bouzy
Cinematographer Guillermo Garza
Production Company Tubi, Estuary Films, Nomadic Pictures, Hollywood Gang Productions, MiLu Entertainment, The Exchange
Rating 6 out of 10 (188 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Peter Dinklage as Reginald Jones, Juliette Lewis as Cut Throat Bill, Levon Hawke as Jack, Leslie Grace as Jimmie Sue, Gbenga Akinnagbe as Eustace, Esme Creed-Miles as Lula, Andrew Schulz as Hector, Macon Blair as Malachi Deasy, Arliss Howard as Rev. Ephron Karlsson, James Hetfield as Simon Deasy, Ryan Robbins as Bailey Mayfield, Ned Dennehy as Baldy, David Midthunder as Black Mouth, Sophia Fabris as Little Girl, Guy Sprung as Caleb Parker, Derek Gilroy as Fatty, Chris Enright as Doctor, Teach Grant as Slim, Roger LeBlanc as Blondie, Brent Stait as Marvin Taylor, Caleb Ellsworth-Clark as John Taylor.


An innocent young man, Jack, goes on an epic quest to rescue his sister Lula after she has been kidnapped by the violent killer Cut Throat Bill and her gang. To save her, Jack enlists the help of a crafty bounty hunter named Reginald Jones, a grave-digging alcoholic son of an ex-slave, and a street-smart prostitute. The gang tracks Cut Throat Bill into the deadly no-man’s land known as The Big Thicket — a place where blood and chaos reign.

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The Thicket


Who directed the The Thicket movie?

Elliott Lester directed the The Thicket movie.

What categories does the The Thicket movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Crime, Thriller, Western.

When was The Thicket released?

The movie was released on 2024-09-05.

How long is the The Thicket movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 48 minutes.

Who wrote the The Thicket movie?

The screenplay was written by Chris Kelly.