Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Timing Movie


Timing is a thrilling Drama film directed by Lucas Neagu. This captivating story, produced by Blue Youth Films, released on 2024-11-08 with a runtime of 2 hours and 18 minutes.

Timing Movie Details

Movie Name Timing
Release Date 2024-11-08
Language Italian, Romanian
Genres Drama
Director Lucas Neagu
Producer Lucas Neagu
Editor Ioan Grumazescu
Cinematographer Claudiu Piparca
Production Company Blue Youth Films
Rating 6.6 out of 10 (196 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Stefan Radu as Tomas, Teodora Colt as Carina, Irina Artenii as Emma, Adrian Titieni as Dad, Ion Rizea as Italian Director, Sergiu Smerea as Raul, Mara Vicol as Irina, Robert Bogdanov-Schein as Mihnea, Laura Girbovan as Georgia, Daria Pentelie as Maria, Maria Lelea as Alesia, Alma Diaconu as Roxana, Darie Doklean as Andrei, Aida Olaru as Elena, Theodora Afrim as Girl, Paula Onet as Caterina, Bianca Marinescu as Maia.


Tomas, a young actor, tries to balance the young adult lifestyle: relationships, parties and a career. At a party he randomly reconnects with his first love, Emma. Strong feelings of love and regret return for both of them. The timing of their meeting leaves him questioning what growing up means and how our decisions affect us.

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Who directed the Timing movie?

Lucas Neagu directed the Timing movie.

What categories does the Timing movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama.

When was Timing released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-08.

How long is the Timing movie?

The runtime is 2 hours and 18 minutes.

Who wrote the Timing movie?

The screenplay was written by .