Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Tod in Mombasa Movie

Tod in Mombasa

Tod in Mombasa is a thrilling Crime, Thriller, TV Movie film directed by Jörg Lühdorff. This captivating story, produced by Zeitsprung Pictures, Avriofilms, ZDF, released on 2024-01-27 with a runtime of 1 hours and 29 minutes.

Tod in Mombasa Movie Details

Movie Name Tod in Mombasa
Release Date 2024-01-27
Language German
Country Germany, Greece
Genres Crime, Thriller, TV Movie
Director Jörg Lühdorff
Writer Jörg Lühdorff
Producer Michael Souvignier, Till Derenbach, Katrin Kuhn
Editor Ollie Lanvermann
Cinematographer Philipp Timme
Production Company Zeitsprung Pictures, Avriofilms, ZDF
Rating 7 out of 10 (173 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Heino Ferch as Moritz Wagner, Katharina Schlothauer as Caroline Jakobs, Barbara Philipp as Nicole Wagner, Errol Trotman-Harewood as Inspector Lomboto, Christian Erdmann as Jürgen Oehlert, Samirah Breuer as Aluna Wagner, Dayan Kodua as Farrah Wagner, Alex Tsanghu as Yaka, Clovis Kasanda as Dominic Olunga, Tony Harrisson as Benjamin Mudimbe, Fathia Ojikutui as Pascale Olembe, Gift Jesse as Akono.


It's been a year since Moritz Wagner and his daughter Aluna turned their backs on Kenya and moved to Hamburg. They searched in vain for Farrah, Moritz's wife and Aluna's mother. Moritz's strenuous, sometimes traumatic job as a war photographer had put a lot of strain on their marriage. Farrah took some time off and disappeared without a trace. Now news reaches Moritz from the Kenyan police that his wife has been recovered dead from her car in Kenya. Shortly after, Farrah's sister Pascale suggests that Farrah was not the victim of an accident, but was murdered. Moritz sets off for Kenya. But when he wants to meet his sister-in-law, she dies in front of him. Moritz is now considered a suspect and has to justify himself to the Kenyan police and flee. Together with Caroline, a shirt-sleeved used car saleswoman and good friend of Farrah, Moritz sets out to find the secret behind Farrah's death. The trail leads them both to the Congo.


Tod in Mombasa


Who directed the Tod in Mombasa movie?

Jörg Lühdorff directed the Tod in Mombasa movie.

What categories does the Tod in Mombasa movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Crime, Thriller, TV Movie.

When was Tod in Mombasa released?

The movie was released on 2024-01-27.

How long is the Tod in Mombasa movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 29 minutes.

Who wrote the Tod in Mombasa movie?

The screenplay was written by Jörg Lühdorff.