Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Trifole Movie


Trifole is a thrilling Drama, Adventure, Family film directed by Gabriele Fabbro. This captivating story, produced by Cinefonie, TrifoleMovie, released on 2024-10-17 with a runtime of 1 hours and 40 minutes.

Trifole Movie Details

Movie Name Trifole
Release Date 2024-10-17
Language English, Italian
Country Italy
Genres Drama, Adventure, Family
Director Gabriele Fabbro
Writer Ydalie Turk, Gabriele Fabbro
Cinematographer Brandon Lattman
Production Company Cinefonie, TrifoleMovie
Rating 7 out of 10 (186 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Umberto Orsini as Igor, Margherita Buy as Marta, Frances Sholto-Douglas as Princess Casey, Enzo Iacchetti as Auctioneer, Francesco Zecca as Stylist, Birba as The truffle hunting dog, Daniel McVicar as Truffle auction guest, Roberta De Santis as Truffle fair assistant, Ilaria Brusadelli as Truffle fair assistant, Caterina Balivo as Truffle auction presenter, Martina Troni as Truffle fair organizer, Flavia Monteleone as Truffle fair organizer, Ludovica Mancini as Truffle fair assistant, Valentina Nastasi as Princess Monica.


To prevent her grandfather, an ill Italian truffle hunter, from eviction, Dalia, a modern and lost young woman, journeys to hunt the biggest truffle ever found.




Who directed the Trifole movie?

Gabriele Fabbro directed the Trifole movie.

What categories does the Trifole movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Adventure, Family.

When was Trifole released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-17.

How long is the Trifole movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 40 minutes.

Who wrote the Trifole movie?

The screenplay was written by Ydalie Turk, Gabriele Fabbro.