Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Tumbadores Movie


Tumbadores is a thrilling Drama, Crime film directed by Maria Isabel Burnes. This captivating story, produced by Too Much Productions, Wiznitzer Films, Inercia Películas, Hello October, released on 2024-01-04 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Tumbadores Movie Details

Movie Name Tumbadores
Release Date 2024-01-04
Language Spanish
Country Panama
Genres Drama, Crime
Director Maria Isabel Burnes
Writer Maria Isabel Burnes, Alonso Torres, Diego Cañizal
Producer Mariel Garcia Spooner
Production Company Too Much Productions, Wiznitzer Films, Inercia Películas, Hello October
Rating 5.7 out of 10 (119 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Fernando Solórzano as Don César, Mari Gaby Sealy as Manuela, Moyra Brunette as Duende, Jaime Newball as Abogado, Leo Wiznitzer as Juez, Fabiola Sánchez as Mamá de Manuela, Larry Diaz as Diputado, Ana Alejandra Carrizo as Reportera, Ernesto Cordova as Árabe, Fernando Barrera as Hombre de Duende, Julio Chamorro as Amir, Manuel Garcia Blanco as Policia, Jeidis Soto as Vecina, Johan Chalarca as Hombre de Duende, Hernando 'Nando' Rodriguez as Barbero, Marisol Salazar as Carmencita, Ramial Faisal as Árabe, Pash as Chico yeye.





Who directed the Tumbadores movie?

Maria Isabel Burnes directed the Tumbadores movie.

What categories does the Tumbadores movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Crime.

When was Tumbadores released?

The movie was released on 2024-01-04.

How long is the Tumbadores movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Tumbadores movie?

The screenplay was written by Maria Isabel Burnes, Alonso Torres, Diego Cañizal.