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Two Scoops of Italy Movie

Two Scoops of Italy

Two Scoops of Italy is a thrilling Drama, Romance film directed by Roger M. Bobb. This captivating story, produced by Hallmark Media, released on 2024-06-22 with a runtime of 1 hours and 24 minutes.

Two Scoops of Italy Movie Details

Movie Name Two Scoops of Italy
Release Date 2024-06-22
Language English, Italian
Genres Drama, Romance
Director Roger M. Bobb
Writer Eric Brooks, Nicole Baxter
Producer James Suttles, Jason Winn, Cristina Giubbetti
Editor Bill Lynch
Cinematographer Patrizio Patrizi
Production Company Hallmark Media
Rating 6.3 out of 10 (156 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Hunter King as Danielle Turner, Michele Rosiello as Giancarlo Donati, Davy Eduard King as Owen, Ruby Kammer as Sarah, Michele Augusto Magni as Bruno, Simone Colombari as Aldo Donati, Sara Magalotti Mondello as Elida, Alessia Franchin as Marta.


When an American chef travels to a quant village in Italy for inspiration, she falls in love with the flavors, culture, gelato, and the Italian gentleman who helps her discover it all.

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Two Scoops of Italy


Who directed the Two Scoops of Italy movie?

Roger M. Bobb directed the Two Scoops of Italy movie.

What categories does the Two Scoops of Italy movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Romance.

When was Two Scoops of Italy released?

The movie was released on 2024-06-22.

How long is the Two Scoops of Italy movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 24 minutes.

Who wrote the Two Scoops of Italy movie?

The screenplay was written by Eric Brooks, Nicole Baxter.