Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Utopia Movie


Utopia is a thrilling Thriller film directed by James Bamford. This captivating story, produced by SP Media Group, released on 2024-12-09 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Utopia Movie Details

Movie Name Utopia
Release Date 2024-12-09
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Thriller
Director James Bamford
Writer Ian Neligh, Steven Paul
Producer Danail Hadzhiyski, Vladimir Karanikolov, Scott Karol, Zuzana Martinková, Kyle Otto, Steven Paul
Production Company SP Media Group
Rating 5.2 out of 10 (198 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Moe Dunford as Damon, Charlotte Vega as Alexis, Michael D. Xavier as Jeremy Zenner, Daniel Bernhardt as Unknown Character, Jason Flemyng as Unknown Character, Wanda Banda as Joan, Lucy Akhurst as Miss Becker, Maddy Ambus as Adelaide, Jade Coatsworth as Azumi, Joe Carmichael as Edmund Spar, Mercer Boffey as Austin Johnson, Philipp Boos as Michael Braun, Alix Villaret as Natalie.


A soldier searching for his missing wife breaks into a high-tech facility, believing she's been caught in a human trafficking ring. But beyond its walls, he finds a surreal, futuristic fantasy park where reality and illusion blur. As he navigates this seductive and dangerous world, a shocking truth pulls him deeper into a deadly game where nothing is as it seems.

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Who directed the Utopia movie?

James Bamford directed the Utopia movie.

What categories does the Utopia movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Thriller.

When was Utopia released?

The movie was released on 2024-12-09.

How long is the Utopia movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Utopia movie?

The screenplay was written by Ian Neligh, Steven Paul.