Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Vidente Por Acidente Movie

Vidente Por Acidente

Vidente Por Acidente is a thrilling Drama, Comedy film directed by Rodrigo Van Der Put. This captivating story, produced by Conspiração Filmes, Star Original Productions, RioFilme, Agência Nacional do Cinema - ANCINE, released on 2024-04-18 with a runtime of 1 hours and 33 minutes.

Vidente Por Acidente Movie Details

Movie Name Vidente Por Acidente
Release Date 2024-04-18
Language Portuguese
Country Brazil
Genres Drama, Comedy
Director Rodrigo Van Der Put
Writer Gui Cintra, André Brandt, Otaviano Costa
Producer Juliana Capelini, Renata Brandão
Editor Bernardo Jucá
Cinematographer Pedro Serrão
Production Company Conspiração Filmes, Star Original Productions, RioFilme, Agência Nacional do Cinema - ANCINE
Rating 3 out of 10 (112 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Otaviano Costa as Ulisses, Evelyn Castro as Fernanda, Jamilly Mariano as Maria, Totia Meireles as Sra. Betarello, Katiuscia Canoro as Coach Sarah, Macla Tenório as Patrícia, Victor Lamoglia as Sérgio, Serjão Loroza as Deus, Nany People as Lígia Rapello, Daniela Fontan as Renatinha, Rosane Gofman as Dra. Lea Wainer, Negrete as Neycharlison, Pedro Benevides as Joaquim, Stepan Nercessian as Zé Maria, Pequena Lo as self, Xuxa as self, Flávia Alessandra as self, Renata Castro Barbosa as Claudia, Camillo Borges as Sinval, Leo Castro as Garçom Osvaldo, Isaú Jr as Pitoco, Cézar Maracujá as Marcão do Violão, Henrique Neves as Clebão, Tamie Panet as Suellen, Tulanih Pereira as Glaucia, Flavio Paim as Convidado 3, Pablo Pêgas as Maquiador, Ely Fernandez as Dona Rosa, Tamires Nascimento as Marcela.


At 45 years old, architect Ulisses—feeling lost in his career and unconvinced of his talents—visits a "vocational coach" who promises to find his true vocation. After drinking a suspicious tea in the coach’s crazy ritual, Ulisses blacks out and awakes to find his belongings stolen. Mysteriously, Ulisses also comes away with a strange power: the ability to see people's true vocations by just touching them. Will Ulisses be able to handle his new gift?


Vidente Por Acidente


Who directed the Vidente Por Acidente movie?

Rodrigo Van Der Put directed the Vidente Por Acidente movie.

What categories does the Vidente Por Acidente movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Comedy.

When was Vidente Por Acidente released?

The movie was released on 2024-04-18.

How long is the Vidente Por Acidente movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 33 minutes.

Who wrote the Vidente Por Acidente movie?

The screenplay was written by Gui Cintra, André Brandt, Otaviano Costa.