Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Videoteka Movie


Videoteka is a thrilling Horror, Mystery, Fantasy film directed by Luka Bursać. This captivating story, produced by MASHINA&ZEC, released on 2024-02-28 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Videoteka Movie Details

Movie Name Videoteka
Release Date 2024-02-28
Language Serbian
Country Serbia
Genres Horror, Mystery, Fantasy
Director Luka Bursać
Writer Luka Bursać
Production Company MASHINA&ZEC
Rating 5.2 out of 10 (194 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Miona Marković as Vanja, Bogdan Farcaș as Putnik, Zoran Cvijanović as Dušan Kupres, Igor Benčina as Manuel, Petar Zekavica as Ministar Veljović, Relja Popović as Sale, Vahid Džanković as Stranac, Vladimir Gvojić as Peca, Miloš Samolov as Direktor policije Vukobratović, Dobrila Ćirković as Komšinica, Dušan Radović as Komandir Siniša, Jovana Belović as Maja, Miloš Cvetković as Cale Vukojević, Sonja Vukićević as Vlahinja, Jovan Jovanović as Đura, Nebojša Šurlan as Vlada, Dejan Tončić as Bata, Jelena Galović as Službenica Pošte, Miodrag Trifunov as Otac, Maja Kolundžija as Kućepaziteljka, David Tasić 'Daf' as Petar Racković, Alisa Lacko as Snežana Vukojević, Mina Davidovac as Hostesa, Teodora Rakić as Ana, Đorđe Nikolić as Mlađi policajac, Marija Medenica as Jasmina Kupres, Anđelka Petrović as Ćerka, Tamara Isailović as Jovana Kupres, Đurđina Samardžić as Studentkinja sa ogrlicom, Nikola Breković as Stariji policajac, Vuk Karanović as Krtola, Sara Pavlović as Studentkinja.


Running from police, a small time thief finds a refuge in an abandoned video store. Forced to spend night there he decide to watch three horror films.


Who directed the Videoteka movie?

Luka Bursać directed the Videoteka movie.

What categories does the Videoteka movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Horror, Mystery, Fantasy.

When was Videoteka released?

The movie was released on 2024-02-28.

How long is the Videoteka movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Videoteka movie?

The screenplay was written by Luka Bursać.