Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Willie and Me Movie

Willie and Me

Willie and Me is a thrilling Drama, Adventure, Comedy film directed by Eva Haßmann. This captivating story, produced by Atlas International Film, released on 2024-02-09 with a runtime of 1 hours and 27 minutes.

Willie and Me Movie Details

Movie Name Willie and Me
Release Date 2024-02-09
Language English
Country Germany, United States of America
Genres Drama, Adventure, Comedy
Director Eva Haßmann
Writer Eva Haßmann
Editor Ting Yu
Cinematographer Marco Cappetta, Alexa Ihrt
Production Company Atlas International Film
Rating 6 out of 10 (144 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Eva Haßmann as Greta, Blaine Gray as Nick, Willie Nelson as Willie Nelson / Bones, Thure Riefenstein as August Halsig, Darby Stanchfield as Rebecca, Carlos Leal as Robert, Charles Anteby as Duke, Nea Dune as Fan, Sylvianne Chebance as Petra, Isabella Cuda as young Greta, Christopher McDaniel as Chris, J.P. Gillain as Ulrich, Linn Bjornland as Heike, Vanessa Knight as Stella, Stacy Snyder as Baby, Roman Wyden as Officer 1, Mision Valor as David, Christopher Karl Johnson as Officer 2, Gretchen Dickason as Elvis Fan, Paxton Booth as Gabriel, Wyatt Hodge as Wanja, Paris Riefenstein as Hans Weingarten, Ben Dukes as Bartender, Amanda J. Dobos as Bar Patron, Tommy Gunns as Ernest Fetzer, Garo Kuyumcuovic as Garo.


Trapped in a stagnant marriage, German housewife Greta finds solace in Willie Nelson's music. When he announces his farewell concert, she embarks on a journey to Las Vegas, leaving her husband behind, rediscovering her past.​

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Willie and Me


Who directed the Willie and Me movie?

Eva Haßmann directed the Willie and Me movie.

What categories does the Willie and Me movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Adventure, Comedy.

When was Willie and Me released?

The movie was released on 2024-02-09.

How long is the Willie and Me movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 27 minutes.

Who wrote the Willie and Me movie?

The screenplay was written by Eva Haßmann.