Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Within the Walls Movie

Within the Walls

Within the Walls is a thrilling Crime, Thriller, Mystery film directed by Chazz Sukhwani. This captivating story, produced by UNO Productions, Blood Altar Pictures, released on 2024-11-06 with a runtime of 0 hours and 22 minutes.

Within the Walls Movie Details

Movie Name Within the Walls
Release Date 2024-11-06
Language Tagalog
Country Philippines
Genres Crime, Thriller, Mystery
Director Chazz Sukhwani
Writer Luigi Librao
Producer Chazz Sukhwani
Production Company UNO Productions, Blood Altar Pictures
Rating 7.8 out of 10 (138 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Bhea Laurice Sayno as Jessa, Catherine Prado as Myca, Charmaine Capiral as Claire, Luigi Librao as Louise, Kiefer Dela Cruz as John, Ma. Issah Naraja as Beggar, Julian Neil Abagat as Father Philip, Joseph Lawrence Domasian as Father Gilmore.


A group of friends travels to play an ancient game in a secluded attraction. As strange events unfold, they uncover forbidden rituals, and their actions trigger a deadly curse. What they've awakened won't let them leave, sealing their fate in terror.

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Within the Walls


Who directed the Within the Walls movie?

Chazz Sukhwani directed the Within the Walls movie.

What categories does the Within the Walls movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Crime, Thriller, Mystery.

When was Within the Walls released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-06.

How long is the Within the Walls movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 22 minutes.

Who wrote the Within the Walls movie?

The screenplay was written by Luigi Librao.